Friday, April 30, 2010

Want to understand relationships?

Salams guys!

This is one of the best articles I have ever read. It helps you understand relationships better --- especially your relationship with your woman!

The Faces of Victim

by Lynne Forrest

retrieved from

Most of us unconsciously react to life from a position of victim-hood. Anytime we refuse to take responsibility for ourselves, we are opting to play victim. This leaves us feeling at the mercy of, done in by and un-faired against; no matter what our situation might be.

Victim-hood consists of three positions outlined by Stephen Karpman, a teacher of Transactional Analysis, on what he called the "Drama Triangle". Having learned of it some thirty years ago, it has been one of the most important tools in my personal, as well as professional life. As my understanding of the Drama Triangle has expanded, so has my appreciation for this simple, but powerfully accurate instrument. I call it the "shame machine" because through it we unconsciously re-enact our vicious cycles, thereby creating shame. Every dysfunctional interaction takes place on the Drama Triangle! Until we make these dynamics conscious, we cannot transform them. Unless we transform them, we cannot move forward on our journey towards re-claiming our spiritual heritage.

Karpman named the three roles on the Drama Triangle; Persecutor, Rescuer and Victim and placed them on an upside down triangle representing the three faces of victim. Even though only one is called Victim, all three originate out of and end up back there. Therefore they are all stopping places on the road to victim-hood.

We each have a most familiar, or what I call, starting gate position.

We first learn our primary position from within our family. Although we each have a role we most identify with, we will also rotate through the other positions, going completely around the triangle, sometimes in a matter of minutes, or even seconds, many times every day.

It's difficult to see ourselves (or others) as victims when we are in a care-taking or blaming role. Nonetheless these two, Rescuer and Persecutor, are the two opposite extremes of Victim. This is simply because all roles eventually lead back to victim. It's inevitable.

You might notice that both the Persecutor and Rescuer are on the upper end of the triangle. Whenever we assume either of those stances, we come across as one-up. From either position we are relating as though we are better, stronger, smarter, or more-together than the victim. Sooner or later the victim, who is in a one-down position, develops a metaphorical "crick in the neck" from looking up. Feeling "looked down upon", resentment builds and some form of retaliation inevitably follows. At that point the victim moves into a persecutor role. Reminiscent of a not-so-musical game of musical chairs, all players sooner or later rotate positions.

Here's an example. Dad comes home from work to find mom coming down hard on Junior with, "Clean up your room or else" threats. He immediately comes to the rescue, "Mom" he might say, "give the boy a break". Any one of several possibilities might occur next. Perhaps Mom, feeling victimized by dad, turns on him, automatically moving him into a victim position. They might do a few quick trips around the triangle with Junior on the sidelines. Or maybe Junior joins dad in a persecutory "Let's gang up on mom" approach, and they could play it from that angle. Or Junior could turn-coat on dad, rescuing mom, with; "Mind your own business, dad . . . I don't need your help!" So it goes, with endless variations perhaps, but nonetheless, round and round the triangle. For many families, it's the only way they know how to communicate.

Everyone has a starting-gate position on the Drama Triangle. This is not only the place we most often get hooked, but also the role through which we actually define ourselves; a strong part of our identity. Each starting-gate position has its own particular way of seeing and reacting to the world. Each primary position originates out of a particular life theme and moves around the triangle in its own distinct way.

For instance, although we all eventually end up in the victim position on the triangle, the starting-gate position of Rescuer (*from here forward Starting-gate positions will be capitalized to differentiate them from the movement through a particular role) moves through victim and persecutor in a very different way than do either a primary Persecutor or Victim.

The Rescuer moves into victim wearing the cloak of martyrdom ("After all I've done for you ..."), whereas a Persecutor claims victim as a way to justify vengeance (If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had to ...."). Whereas a Rescuer may persecute by withdrawing their care-taking, a Persecutor's rescuing is liable to be almost as painful as when they are in attack-mode. And a starting-gate Victim is perpetually pitiful and incapable. They even rescue from a one-down position! ("You're the only one who can help me, because you're so talented, or smart, or whatever!")

Our primary positions are generally set-up in childhood. For instance, if a parent is overly protective, doing everything for a child, then that child may grow up to feel incapable of taking care of themselves. This sets them up for a life-time role of Victim. Or, the opposite; they might come to feel angry and vindictive if others don't take care of them, thereby adopting a primary Persecutor stance.

There are many variations, and each case needs to be individually considered.

We not only act out these triangular distortions in our everyday relations with others, but also internally. We move around the triangle as rapidly inside our minds as we do out in the world. We trap ourselves with dishonest and dysfunctional internal dialogue. For example, we may come down hard on ourselves for not completing a project. Perhaps we lambaste ourselves as being lazy, inadequate or defective, causing us to spiral into feelings of anger and self-worthlessness. Inwardly, we cow to this persecutory voice, fearing it may be right. Can you see the persecutor/victim exchange happening here? As soon as we begin to blame or insult, a victim is created. And in this case, we're it! This could go on for minutes, hours or days, but sooner or later, there will be a voice in us that comes to the rescue. Because we're feeling lousy and need relief, we start to make excuses, "Well, I would have finished that project if it hadn't been for ...", we might say. Now we have moved into rescuer.

Sometimes we rescue ourselves (and others) by denying what we know, "If I look the other way and pretend not to notice, it will go away" sort of tactic. These inner dramas perpetuate a vicious cycle of shame spirals and self loathing.

Similar to the way a generator produces electricity, the Drama Triangle generates shame. Whether through internal interaction or external communication, moving around the triangle keeps the self-disparaging messages going. The Drama Triangle becomes our own personal shame machine. The good news is that we can do something about it. All we have to do is learn to turn off the shame machine in order to get off the triangle. It's a simple, although not easy, remedy.

Before we can get off the triangle we have to recognize and be willing to let go of the drama produced therein. We must first become intimately acquainted with the costs and trade-offs of each stopping place on the path of victim-hood. This allows us not only to recognize the various roles, but to realistically evaluate the consequences of being there as well.

Identifying the language and moves of each role further helps us to apprehend when we are being invited by others to join them on the triangle. With this awareness, we can choose whether or not we want to dance to the shame generating tune of victim. With that end in mind, let's examine each role carefully.


The Rescuer role is the shadow mother principle. It's the typically co-dependent response we think of as "smothering". It's a twisted version of the feminine aspect that desires to nurture and protect. The Rescuer is the enabler, protector, mediator; the one who wants to "fix" the problem. Of course, before a Rescuer can remedy a problem there needs to be one.

Part of the problem of rescuing is that it comes from an unconscious need to feel important or establish oneself as the savior. Taking care of others is the only way a Rescuer knows how to connect or feel worthwhile. Rescuers usually grow up in families where they were put down or shamed for having needs. They therefore learn to deny those needs, turning instead to taking care of others. This makes having someone who needs them essential.

Very often, Rescuers operate out of the hope that if they just take care of others well enough they will get their turn, too. Unfortunately this rarely happens. Often the resulting disappointment sends them spiraling into depression. Martyrdom and depression earmark the victim phase of a Rescuer's dance around the triangle. This is when you hear them say things such as, "This is what I get, after all I've done for you" or, "No matter how much I do, it's never enough", or "If you loved me, you would be more supportive."

A Rescuer's greatest fear is that there will be nobody there for them. They compensate for that anxiety by making it a point to be there for others, thus encouraging dependency. Making themselves indispensable becomes a primary way of avoiding abandonment and it provides the validation they long for, as well.

Rescuers are oblivious to the crippling dependency they foster when they enable or take care of those they are fixated on. Through these tactics, they send disabling messages. Everyone involved becomes convinced that the Victim is incapable, inadequate or defective, thus reinforcing the need for constant rescue. It becomes the job of the Rescuer to keep the other propped up, "for their own good", of course.

Having a Victim to care-take is essential in order for the Rescuer to maintain an illusion of being one-up and needless. This means then, that there will always be at least one person in every core Rescuers life who is sick, fragile, inept and in need of their care.

Beatrice grew up seeing her mother as helpless and impotent. From an early age, she felt a huge responsibility to take care of her frail parent. Her own well-being depended on it! Else how was she, a small child, going to make it? As the years went by, however, she could scarcely contain the inner rage she felt towards her mother for being so needy and weak. As a starting-gate Rescuer, she would do all she could to bolster her mother, only to come away again and again, feeling defeated (victim) because nothing she tried worked. Inevitably the resentment would take over leading her to resort to treating her mother with scorn (persecutor). This became her primary interactive pattern, not only with her mother, but in all of her relationships. By the time I met her she was emotionally, physically and spiritually exhausted from having spent her life taking care of one sick and dependent person after another.


Like the other roles, the Persecutor is shame based. It's the sort of shame-drenched-anger that results from growing up overloaded with scorn. Persecutors have long ago repressed their convictions of worthlessness, covering them instead with indignant wrath and an attitude of uncaring.

In the same way that the Rescuer is the shadow mother principle, this role is the shadow father principle. The beneficent father's job is to protect and provide for his family. The Persecutor role is a perversion of that energy, instead attempting to "reform" through force. This role is taken on by someone who has learned to meet their needs through authoritarian, controlling and often punishing methods. The Persecutor overcomes feelings of shame by over-powering others. Domination becomes their most prevalent style of interaction. This means they must always be right! Techniques include preaching, blaming, lecturing, interrogating and attack. They believe in getting even, very often through passive aggressive acts.

Just like the Rescuer needs someone to fix, the Persecutor needs someone to blame! Persecutors deny their weaknesses in the same way Rescuers deny their needs. Their greatest fear is powerlessness. Denying their own infirmities, they are in constant need of someone on whom they can project their own unclaimed inadequacies. Both Rescuers and Persecutors therefore need a Victim in order to sustain their place on the triangle.

Persecutors also tend to compensate for inner feelings of worthlessness by putting on grandiose airs. Grandiosity inevitably comes from shame. It provides compensation and a cover-up for a deep internal inferiority. Superiority is about swinging hard to the other side of "less than" in order to come across as "better than".

I recall a client, a doctor who exemplified Persecutor mentality. He truly thought hurting others was justified as a compensation for his own pain. He told me once in session about running into a patient of his on the golf course, who "had the nerve" to ask for on-the-spot treatment.

"Can you believe he asked me to treat his injury on my one day off?", he railed.

"That does seem pretty bold" I replied, "how did you handle it?"

"Oh, I took him to my office, alright . . . and he got a steroid shot, too" the doctor chuckled, "but I bet he'll never ask me to do that again."

"What do you mean?", I asked, not quite following.

"Because that shot was one he'll never forget!"

To the doctor, his action was totally justifiable. His patient had infringed on him and thereby deserved whatever pain he got. This is a prime example of Persecutor thinking. It never occurred to my client that he could've said no; that he did not have to feel victimized by, or have to rescue this patient. In his mind he had been treated unjustly and therefore had the right, even the obligation, to get even.

It is most difficult for someone in this stance to take responsibility for the way they hurt others. In their mind, others deserve what they get! These warring individuals tend to see themselves as having to fight the world for survival! Their battle cry might well be, "I've been treated unfairly and somebody's going to pay!". Theirs is a constant struggle to regain that which they perceive has been taken from them.


The Victim is a life role most often taken on by someone who was raised by a dedicated Rescuer. It is the shadow of the precious child within; that part in each of us that is innocent, vulnerable and needy. This child-self does need support and "care taken" on occasion but when an individual becomes convinced that they can never take care of themselves they can easily take on a primary Victim stance. Buying into the idea that they are intrinsically defective, Victims adopt an attitude of "I can't make it". This becomes their greatest fear, forcing them to be ever on the lookout for someone "more capable" to carry them.

Victims deny both their problem solving abilities and their potential for self-generated power. Instead they tend to see themselves as too fragile to handle life. Feeling done in by, at the mercy of, mistreated, intrinsically bad and wrong, they see themselves as the "un-fixable problem".

This doesn't stop them, however from feeling highly resentful for their dependency. Victims eventually get fed up with being in the one-down position and find ways to get even. A move to persecutor usually means sabotaging the efforts made to rescue them, as well as other passive-aggressive behaviors. They are very apt players of the game called, "Yes, but". Any time a helpful suggestion is offered, a Victim response might be, "Yes, but that won't work because ...". They may also resort to the persecutor role as a way to blame or manipulate others into taking care of them.

The Victim eats a daily venue of shame. Convinced of their intrinsic incompetence, they live in a perpetual shame spiral, often leading to self abuse. Perpetual Victims walk around much like the Charlie Brown character, Pig-pen in his whirlwind of dust, except Victims are surrounded in a shame vortex of their own making. This cloud of shame becomes their total identity.

Linda was the second-born in her family. Almost from birth, she had problems. Linda was a child who was forever in trouble of one sort or another. She struggled academically, was perpetually disruptive and often sick. It came as no surprise to anyone when she got into drugs as a

teenager. Her mother, Stella, was a die-hard Rescuer. Thinking she was being helpful, Stella bailed Linda out every time she got in trouble. By alleviating the natural consequences, Stella's earnest enabling deprived Linda of the opportunity to learn from her poor choices. As a result, Linda came to see herself as incapable, becoming dependent on someone besides herself to fix things for her. Her mother's well-intentioned rescuing sent a crippling message which promoted a life long Victim stance, keeping Linda needy and ever vigilant for a potential rescuer.

Projection and Shadow of Victim-hood

As individuals grow in awareness and change, they often change their starting-gate positions. Becoming aware of a primary position, they may commit to change but often merely switch roles instead. Although they may be operating from a different place, they are nonetheless still on the triangle. This happens frequently and may even be an essential part of learning the full impact of living on the triangle.

Placing the three positions on a straight line with Victim in the middle is a way of demonstrating that Persecutor and Rescuer are simply the two extremes of victim-hood.

Persecutor ------- VICTIM ------- Rescuer

All three roles are merely the perverted expression of positive powers we each hold in potential, but deny. The primary face we take on determines which of these powers is being denied.

The Rescuer part of us contains the gift for mediation and problem solving. It might be deemed a feminine aspect. The Persecutor, on the other hand, is the part of us that knows about the use of power and assertiveness. It might be considered a masculine attribute. When these essential qualities are not fully acknowledged and claimed, they get repressed into the unconscious, where they then come out in the perverted expression we see on the Drama Triangle. In other words, because these aspects are denied, they get acted out in unconscious and irresponsible ways.

When we suppress both our problem solving ability and our power for assertive action, we take on a posture of Victim. When we see ourselves as primary mediators and caretakers, but deny our need to stand ground for ourselves by setting appropriate boundaries, we occupy the Rescuer position. Persecutors on the other hand, have hidden their caring, nurturing qualities, and therefore tend to problem solve through anger, abuse and control. In essence, the victim's dance is a constant, unconscious surfacing of unclaimed aspects of personality that produces perpetual drama in our lives.

We live in a Victim based society. In the United States, we like to think of ourselves as Rescuers. For many years we identified Russia as the Persecutor with third world countries being the identified under-dog, or Victim. Several years ago, USSR's President Gorbachev was said to tell President Bush, "I'm about to do the worst thing imaginable, I'm going to take away your enemy!" Here was a man who innately understood our country's need to have a scapegoat, providing us the chance to say, "It's those bad communists again". Otherwise, we, as Americans might be forced to take responsibility for our own perpetrator tendencies. Of course, Russia does perpetrate, as witnessed by the doings of their KGB, but haven't our own CIA shown similar tendencies? Our very history is built on persecution. Within a few years of arriving in America, our forefathers began to systematically oppress and subjugate the Native Americans who had lived here for centuries! It seems a wearisome task for this country to get willing to be accountable for the ways we have persecuted. Instead, we seem bound and determined to hold onto the idea of being the world's "good guy". It is always difficult for Persecutors to perceive themselves as such, however. It is much easier to justify persecutor behavior than it is to own the oppressor role.

The cycle goes like this; "I was just trying to help (rescuer), and they turned on me (victim), so I had to defend myself" (persecutor). Persecution is almost always justified as a necessary defense. It is the role most often denied. After all, who wants to admit that they ill-use people?

The Rescuer, on the other hand, has no trouble identifying with the helper role. They are generally proud of their position as caretakers and fixers. They are socially acclaimed and rewarded for "selfless acts" of rescuing. They believe in the goodness of being caretakers, seeing themselves as ever helpful. What they deny is the ill-begotten consequences of their enabling/disabling acts. But what these "do-gooders" have most difficulty seeing is how they, themselves end up as victims. It's very hard for a Rescuer to hear themselves referred to as victims even when they get caught red-handed complaining about how mistreated they are!

Triangular Pain

Living life on the Drama Triangle creates misery in many ways. The primary commonality is that none of the players are willing (or even know how) to take responsibility for themselves. The price paid is tremendous for all three roles lead to emotional, mental and even physical pain.

Evading responsibility and/or attempting to protect oneself or others doesn't work, and yet it is the primary goal of those caught up on the triangle. The simple truth is that the greatest pain is the anguish created in trying to avoid it. When we try to shield others from the truth, we discount their abilities. This is disabling and leads to negative reactions all around. Everyone involved ends up hurt and angry. No-one wins.

As long as we chase ourselves and others around the Triangle, we relegate ourselves to living in robot-like, knee-jerk reaction. Rather than living vibrant lives of spontaneity and choice, we settle for a sort of pseudo aliveness. Experiencing a full life requires the ability to interact as free agents. This is impossible as long as we are involved in the Drama Triangle.

Denied Feelings

Frequently we find entry onto the triangle through the port of denied feelings. Whenever we deny our own or another's feelings we inevitably end up playing a role on the triangle. We rescue others anytime we attempt to keep them from feeling bad. ("I can't tell Jim what I think because it'll hurt his feelings"). So we keep our opinions, feelings and thoughts secret which inevitably creates distance.

Parents who grew up without permission to acknowledge or express feelings often deny their children the same right. Repressed, these denied emotions become secret shame pockets, alienating us from others and sentencing us to life on the triangle. Feelings may be intangible, but they are nonetheless real.

Anytime we deny access to our feeling experience we set ourselves up for a victim perspective. We cannot take responsibility for feelings we have not allowed ourselves to acknowledge, therefore we end up on the triangle.

Shame and Core Beliefs

Triangular interaction is the primary way that shame is generated. Each role moves around the triangle in their own distinct way. This is because each starting gate position has a set of core beliefs that tends to set them up for that particular role. These unconscious attitudes are what creates feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy and or defectiveness. The triangle is the way we reinforce and perpetuate those shame producing beliefs.

Rescuers, for instance, believe that their needs are unimportant and irrelevant and therefore do not deserve to be met. The only way they can legitimately connect with others (in order to meet the need to belong and feel important), is by taking care of someone else. Rescuers guilt themselves when they aren't care-taking others. Their primary myth is; "If I take care of others well enough ... long enough, then I will get my turn." Unfortunately, on the triangle, Rescuers are taking care of life-time Victims who have no idea of how to be there for others. This reinforces the Caretaker's core belief ("my needs don't count"), which in turn produces more shame around needing.

Guilt and shame are powerful driving forces for the perpetuation of the Triangle. Guilt is often used by Victims in an effort to hook their Rescuer into taking care of them ("If you don't do it, who will?). The Victims shame producing belief of not being able to make it on their own leaves them feeling powerless and needy.

Persecutors, believing the world is dangerous, use shame as a primary tool for keeping others in their place. Their primary goal is to feel safe by putting others down. "Get them before they get me!", is their primary agenda. What better way of accomplishing that, then to judge, moralize or denigrate their victims?


Of course, it follows suit that once we learn to deny our feeling reality, honesty becomes impossible. Telling our truth first requires knowing it. When we react out of denied feelings and unconscious programming, we cannot possibly know our personal truth. This means there will be hidden agendas and dishonesty. This is another primary trait of all players on the triangle. Only by knowing our truth, can we begin to speak from a place of personal honesty. Then getting off the triangle becomes possible.

Failed Intimacy

Although we all long for a sense of connection with others, many people are secretly terrified of intimacy. Letting someone really know us can be a frightening experience. Intimacy requires vulnerability and honest disclosure. Believing that we are at heart unlovable, defective or" less than", makes it difficult to reveal ourselves. We want to feel unconditionally accepted, but when we haven't accepted ourselves, it's impossible to believe that anyone else could embrace us. Thinking we need to hide our unworthiness makes keeping a distance imperative. As long as we maintain hidden agendas and deny our truth, intimacy is impossible. Victim-hood is designed to insure alienation, not only from others, but also from ourselves.

Getting Off the Triangle

In order to get off the Triangle, we must first decide to take responsibility for ourselves. We then begin to allow ourselves to acknowledge and express our true feelings, even when doing so is uncomfortable. As we explore our core beliefs and starting gate positions, we become better able to recognize when someone is attempting to hook us, and refuse to allow it.

Learning how to sit with guilty feelings without acting on them is a big part of resisting the Victim game. Feeling guilt does not necessarily imply that we are out of integrity with ourselves. Guilt is a learned response. Sometimes guilt indicates that we've broken a dysfunctional family rule. Growth prohibitive beliefs about ourselves and the world, instilled early on, become rigid rules that need to be violated. Family dictums such as; "Don't talk about it", "Don't share feelings", or "It's selfish to take care of yourself", must be overcome if we are to grow. We can expect, and even celebrate the guilt when we defy these deeply entrenched unwritten laws.

Getting honest with ourselves and others is a primary way to get off the triangle. Telling our truth is a key way of taking responsibility. We then must be willing to take necessary action for whatever that truth reveals.

In order for a Rescuer to get honest, for instance, they have to confess their investment in keeping others dependent. This means acknowledging that being a rescuer fills their need for self-worth. In this way, Rescuers learn to recognize and address their own needs.

It can feel very threatening for someone stuck in Persecutor consciousness to get bare-bones honest with themselves. To them, to do so feels like blaming themselves, which only intensifies their internal condemnation. Persecutors need to have a situation or person they can blame so they can stay angry. Anger energizes them by acting like fuel in the psyche that keeps them going. It may be the only way they have of dealing with chronic depression. Persecutors need a jolt of rage the same way some people need a shot of caffeine. It jump-starts their day.

Just as with the other roles, self-accountability is the only way off the victim grid for the Persecutor. There has to be some kind of breakthrough for them to get willing to own their part. Unfortunately, because of their great reluctance to do so, it may have to come in the form of a crisis.

Ironically, the doorway off the triangle for all players is through the persecutor position. This is because when we decide to get off the triangle, we are often seen as persecutors by those still on it. Once we decide to take self-responsibility and tell our truth, those still aboard are likely to accuse us of victimizing them. "How dare you refuse to take care of me!", a Victim might cry. Or "What do you mean you don't need my help?", says a primary enabler when a victim decides to become accountable. In other words, to escape the victim grid, we must be willing to be perceived as the "bad guy". This doesn't make it so, but we must be willing to sit with the discomfort of being perceived as such.

When you are ready to be accountable, you begin by sorting through your real motives and feelings regarding your present situation. You become willing to experience your own uncomfortable feelings and to allow others theirs without rescue. If your loved ones and associates are also willing to participate in this process of self-realization, it speeds the halt of triangular interaction. If you're ready to get off, but they aren't, then you may have to draw some hard-fast boundaries, or even walk away. Again, this puts you at risk of being perceived as a persecutor.

Since starting-gate Victims are the identified problem in their family, it's natural for them to seek outside professional help. Often, however they are unconsciously looking for another Rescuer (which abound among helping professionals, by the way). Those in primary Victim roles must challenge the ingrained belief that they can't do for themselves. If they are to get off the triangle, they have to initiate self-care, rather than look outside themselves for a savior. Instead of seeing themselves as totally powerless, they must begin to acknowledge their problem solving as well as their leadership capabilities.

In conclusion, we must first become conscious of how it is we play out the Drama Triangle. For where ever there is dysfunction, the Drama Triangle is found. Making ourselves aware of our starting-gate positions is the first step to moving out of destructive patterns. As we begin the process of liberating ourselves from our stuck-ness through self-responsibility and truth telling, we transform our lives. In other words, we actualize our Higher Selves, thus realizing the blueprint of possibility that lies dormant within each of us.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting Knocked Down

Taken from:

We all get knocked down from time to time—it’s part of what makes life interesting… always keeping us alert and on our toes.

I recently shared a perspective in a keynote presentation I did that helped reshape my view of obstacles and life’s difficulties; this might help you too…
My wife’s best friend has a friend whose husband, I am embarrassed to say, I envied. He had the life I wanted. We are close in age and both came from the Bay Area of San Francisco.

After several failed businesses, he started an electronics store called “Jacks.” The stores were relatively successful and were bought out for a good sum. He then invested that money into commercial real estate in the San Diego Valley, before the boom. He ended up owning several buildings that made him tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions.

We would go to his parties at the home he custom built in Rancho Santa Fe (one of the richest ZIP codes in the county). The home, estate really, was more than 10,000 square feet on an amazing piece of sprawling land and it was designed in just the style I love.

His cars were amazing and he also had a yacht in the harbor and a private plane. He was also a good-looking guy and had a beautiful family he adored and who adored him. He was warm, friendly and always the life of the party. I wanted his life. In my head (privately, of course) I would wish I was Gary Boyd.

A year and a half ago he had a cough that became increasingly worse. When he went to the doctor he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He never smoked, lived relatively healthy—it was completely unexpected. He had finally arrived, was living the life he never could have imagined, and then this.

His family had to watch him slowly and painfully wither away until he finally died seven months ago.

Now, every day I say, thank God I am not Gary Boyd.

Here is the point: No matter what obstacle I encounter now, no matter what setback I experience, I have a whole new perspective on just how “catastrophic” the situation really is. If I take a risk and am embarrassed, if I call someone and they reject me, if I lose a bunch of money in an investment, if I wreck my car, lose my house (not that I have!), no matter what obstacle comes my way, I say, “At least I am not Gary Boyd.” Point is, as long as you are on the right side of the dirt, no obstacle really matters.

We all experience failure, setbacks, disappointments and obstacles. And yes it hurts, and that is okay. We are human. Rejection, failure and letdowns hurt humans. It’s part of the deal.

Now the difference is how long you let it keep you down.

Here is the evolution I have gone through and recommend for you. What used to bum me out for 2 weeks I eventually whittled down to 2 days. Then I got it down to 2 hours and then 20 minutes. Now when I am knocked down, I give myself about 2 minutes to sulk and then I brush myself off and get back on the horse. I also look to replace the experience with something positive. I never allow myself to end the session or day with a defeat. I will keep working until I can gain some kind of victory.
So it’s okay to get knocked down; its even good for you—it’s the beginning of growth. And it’s okay that it smarts a bit.

And it’s okay to give yourself some recovery time. Now just try and reduce the time it knocks you out. And get over the idea that life sucks for you. Remember, you are not Gary Boyd.

Daily Dose Of Motivation

The only way around is through

- Robert Frost

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 Real Life Energy Boosting Secrets You Can Use Today!


Energy – the natural resource in shortest supply, especially for the 100 million Americans who are suffering from chronic or incurable illness. Just thinking of everyone who needs you can sap out what little energy you have left. Maybe you feel like you can’t possibly get it all done. But you know you HAVE to. People depend on you everyday. Your family. Your friends. Your coworkers. Your clients. Even your pets! To meet the demands of life today, you can’t afford to have your energy depleted. So here are some ways to easily boost those levels right away.

1. Aerocize. I was speaking with a friend yesterday who has Lyme disease. He is so ill he literally cannot exercise. He was depressed. I suggested he go out his door (get as bundled up as necessary) and close the door. Take in deep breaths for 10 minutes. He could not believe how much better he felt. If where you are is smoggy, or if there is no way you can get outside, get an air purifier and you will have the benefits of the negative ions anyway.

3. Exercise is the energy creator. Move your body, no matter how little. If you cannot even move your ankle or wrist joints around in circles, imagine yourself doing it. You know you need it, so why fight it? Take a walk, even if it is winter. If you can't walk outside, walk in a mall. Stretch. Elongate those tight muscles. Dance! Put on your favorite music and move around (again if you cannot move even minimally imagine yourself doing this.) It feels so good. If you’re bedridden or for some other reason can’t exercise today, at least visualize doing it in your mind. You all know the story of the P.O.W. from Vietnam who was imprisoned for 8 years, never exercising. Every day he visualized playing golf, stroke by stroke. The day he got home he got the best score in golf in his life.The bottom line is we are meant to exercise. The nervous and endocrine systems need stimulation to release endorphins (those feel-good, energy enhancing chemicals).

4. Pump up your energy in your attitude. Think of life as a school. When you quit learning, you begin dying. Open your mind; learn something new every day. Make it a game! Write down your new find in a spiral notebook – nothing fancy. It’s fun to look back and see how much more knowledge you’ve captured over time.

5. Clutter – The silent Energy Sucker. You’ve heard it before – what’s on the outside is a reflection of what’s on the inside. Surrounded by clutter? It has a real physical effect on your energy levels. Don’t worry. I’m not going to ask you to clean out your garage or over-stuffed closet all at once. Set a timer and just take 15 minutes a day to de-clutter your space. It’s all about baby steps.

6. What goes in shows on the outside. Keep your water intake high. Studies show lack of water is the number one trigger of daytime fatigue. In fact, a mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. Thirsty yet?

7. Let it go. There is a direct relationship between buried anger and your energy levels. Holding onto a grudy or not moving on in your life hurts you more than it hurts anyone else. It only helps you physically and energetically to acknowledge that people have their limitations. If you were hurt, you don’t have to trust that person again. Ritualize it instead! Write his or her name on a piece of paper. Pour all of your painful thoughts into that paper. Now destroy it. Burn it. Drown it. Rip it up. Don’t you feel better? Forgiving and letting go is a selfish act you do to make yourself feel better. Be a little selfish!

8. Money can’t buy you happiness. But most people refuse to believe it. If you find you are doing things you find unpleasant just for a paycheck, you can be assured your energy is depleted. If you dislike your job or if you have not been able to work because of your condition, try this exercise. Scan the newspaper for 10 jobs in 4 different fields you could do. These don’t have to be jobs you WANT to do. Just ones that you COULD do. This exercise is meant to teach flexibility. It reframes you in a light you don’t normally see yourself. With this expansion of possibility, you’ll feel less trapped. More hopeful. More energized! Once you see something you might like to do ask friends if they know of a way to do this in the amount of time you have.


Roland Emmerich, in his third crack film (previous film Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow) at presenting the apocalypse, this fall's "2012". Emmerich taps into the angst of thousands of astrologers, doomsday enthusiasts, and conspiracy theorists who fear that a massive cataclysm will strike the earth on December 21 of that year.


Yet unlike previous dates tied to the Earth's expiration, this one has its roots in various sources throughout history including interpretations of the Mayan calendar, astrology, and the ancient Chinese fortune-telling text the "I-Ching."

The Mayan Calendar
2012 gained the patina of doom with the best-selling 1966 book "The Maya" by Harvard archeologist Michael D. Coe. He noted that the Mayan culture's famously complex "Long Count" calendar simply ends on 12/21/12, speculating that civilization might come crashing down on that date. Other scholars argue, however, that the Mayan calendar would merely flip over like an odometer that reached 100,000 miles.

Galactic Alignment
Astrologers have also pointed out that during the winter solstice of 2012, the orbital planes of the solar system and the twelve Zodiacal constellations will intersect with the "Dark Rift" -- a black bit of the Milky Way located next to Sagittarius. Some argue this intersection is precisely why the Mayans -- who were brilliant astronomers -- ended their calendar when they did. But other astrologers believe that this conjunction will usher in a great shift in consciousness.

Lukisan Orang Purba Sumeria

Sunspots and Pole Problems
So if the apocalypse is set just in time for holiday shopping season three years from now, how exactly will the world end? One theory that actually has some traction in the scientific community is that a solar flare will cause a sudden shift in the magnetic orientation of the Earth's poles, causing all kinds of planetary problems like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. NASA is predicting strong solar activity around 2012 and there's evidence that the magnetic poles are slowly weakening, something that reportedly presages a reversal. Of course, most scientists think that this reversal will take centuries, not days, to occur.


Mengikut semua kitab2 agama (baik Islam mahu pun Yahudi), Imam Mahdi sudah pun lahir. Beliau hanya menunggu masa sahaja perlantikan daripada ALLAH S.W.T (wallahualam).

Kalau mengikut kitab Yahudi lama, Imam Mahdi mestilah muncul di sekitar 2009 sehingga 2012. Ini kerana negara Israel hanya dibenarkan oleh ALLAH S.W.T dalam lingkungan 40 tahun sahaja. Tahun 2008 adalah tahun yang ke-40 bagi negara Israel (Wujud walaupun tak diiktiraf dunia). Kalau mengikut kitab Islam pula, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. bersabda, mafhum - Akan terjadi dua gerhana serentak pada bulan Ramadhan (iaitu sebuah planet besar akan menutupi ruang antara bumi dengan matahari sehingga mengakibatkan kedua-dua bumi dan bulan tertutup daripada pancaran matahari) yang mana ianya tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini dan tidak akan berlaku lagi selepas ini.

Ketika itu, di Masjid Nabawi di Madinah akan muncul satu suara yang akan melantik Imam Mahadi sebagai Khalifah Islam (bagaimana cara suatu suara itu tidak diketahui caranya). Kalau mengikut ahli kaji bintang, sebuah planet yg bernama Nibiru akan muncul pada tahun 2012, dan akan berada pada kedudukan sangat hampir dengan bumi sehingga ahli kaji bintang menganggap ianya mungkin akan berlanggar dengan bumi.

[Segala pembacaan dan penerimaan terpulang pada kebijaksanaan masing-masing ya~!! Hanya Sekadar Pembacaan/For Reading Purpose Only]

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Daily Dose of Motivation

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned'

- Buddha

Tip Blog Shop 2 | Idea bisnes cara Abraham Maslow


Seorang peniaga bertanya, “Adakah sebarang panduan menjana idea bisnes yang pernah digunapakai dalam perniagaan di internet?

Ada. Satu formula mengenalpasti produk dan perkhidmatan yang bersesuaian telah didedahkan dalam Internet Marketing for Dummies, mereka mengenalpasti produk dan perkhidmatan yang memenuhi teori Abraham Maslow iaitu Hierarki Keperluan Maslow.

Dalam teori yang diketengahkan oleh Abraham Maslow, manusia akan cuba memenuhi lima peringkat iaitu

* Keperluan fisiologikal seperti rumah, pakaian dan tempat tinggal
* Keperluan keselamatan seperti kit kecemasan, perubatan, tempat yang selamat.
* Keperluan sosial seperti rakan-rakan dan teman hidup.
* Keperluan penghargaan diri seperti lambang jawatan menunjukkan kejayaan, jenis kereta dan pakaian menggambarkan status dan hiasan rumah melambangkan gaya hidupnya.
* Kesedaran kendiri iaitu sesuatu yang melibatkan keagamaan dan unsur jiwa.

Bagaimana peniaga memperkenalkan produk dan perkhidmatan di internet menggunakan teori Abraham Maslow.

Lihat pada jadual di bawah.

Keperluan fisiologi

Perkhidmatan rumah untuk disewa
Menjual makanan kesihatan
Menjual pakaian lelaki dan perempuan
Menjual pakaian kanak-kanak dan bayi

Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________

Keperluan keselamatan

Menjual dan memasang penggera dan CCTV
Menjual penyembur lada sulah untuk wanita
Menjual kit pertolongan cemas
Penggera kenderaan

Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________

Keperluan sosial

Perkhidmatan sms melalui internet
Perkhidmatan portal cari jodoh
Kelab berdasarkan kemahiran
Program dan bengkel sehari
Keahlian spa dan program kuruskan badan

Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________

Keperluan penghargaan diri

Menjual dompet berjenama
Menjual koleksi pakaian berjenama
Menjual akseori wanita eksklusif
Khidmat dekorasi rumah
Menjual produk antik
Mereka hiasan kreatif dan lanskap

Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________

Kesedaran kendiri

Menjual produk haji dan ibadah
Menjual buku motivasi kendiri
Seminar dan motivasi kehidupan

Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________
Lain-lain (nyatakan) _________________

Tip Blog Shop | Pilih dan jual produk sekarang


Seorang peniaga bertanya, "Dari mana datangnya produk dan perkhidmatan di internet?"

Jika kita bercadang menjual produk dan perkhidmatan di internet, ia datang melalui pelbagai cara. Kita dapat memilih mana-mana cara berikut bagi menjalankan perniagaan pertama kita di blog shop.

* Produk dan perkhidmatan diusahakan sendiri.
* Produk dan perkhidmatan daripada perniagaan online orang lain.
* Produk dan perkhidmatan daripada peniaga sekeliling yang tidak mempunyai blog shop.
* Produk dan perkhidmatan yang menawarkan kaedah affiliate.

Perniagaan di internet mempunyai prinsip bisnes tersendiri. Kepada mereka yang pertama kali terjun ke dunia perniagaan di internet, kata-kata usahawan internet tempatan iaitu Adly Mukhtar dapat dijadikan gol kecil untuk dicapai.

Kata Adly, ”Dalam perniagaan internet, dapatkan seringgit yang pertama. Ya, seringgit yang pertama. Dari nilai yang kecil ini kita akan melihat lebih banyak jalan untuk menambah nilai sedia ada.”

Produk dan perkhidmatan sendiri

Produk dan perkhidmatan sendiri melibatkan apa yang kita sudah usahakan sebelum ini. Kita memanjangkan potensi produk dan perkhidmatan yang kita usahakan ke dalam blog shop.

Misalnya, kita mempunyai kemahiran menghasilkan grafik kad perniagaan dan poster, kita dapat menawarkan kemahiran itu kepada pelanggan melalui blog shop. Jika kita mempunyai kemahiran memperbaiki telefon bimbit, kemahiran itu dapat diuar-uarkan melalui blog shop.

Misalnya, Boonga Studio yang memperkenalkan kasut dengan hiasan yang dihasilkan sendiri. Pelanggan akan memilih kasut yang mempunyai corak pilihan mereka daripada blog shop ini.

Bagi peniaga kuih karipap ini, beliau memfokuskan kepada memperkenalkan gerai jualan karipap beliau sebagai promosi di blog shop.

Jika kita mempunyai produk yang berpotensi dijual, gunakan blog shop bagi memperkenal dan menjual produk itu. Katakan kita mempunyai barang-barang terpakai yang masih elok dan dapat dijual. Tawarkan barang-barang tersebut di blog shop.

Blog shop Jom Sewa Buku menawarkan pilihan buku beliau yang sudah dibaca bagi disewakan kepada orang lain. Sekiranya ada sesuatu yang kita mahu ia diasingkan dari rumah, cubalah menjual barangan terpakai yang masih berfungsi pada harga murah.

* Produk dan perkhidmatan daripada perniagaan online orang lain.

Hubungi peniaga online yang sedia, bertanya sama ada kita dapat menjadi satu lagi pengedar produk beliau secara online. Sama ada peniaga itu berniaga menggunakan blog shop atau pun melalui laman web, kedua-duanya mempunyai peluang yang sama.

Biasanya, peniaga online sedia ada akan memberikan harga pengedar kepada kita. Harga produk jualan yang terpapar akan sama seperti mana laman web atau blog shop peniaga terbabit.

Sesetengah memperkenalkan kaedah kita jual, mereka hantar. Iaitu pesanan dan pembayaran akan melalui kita, pesanan tersebut dimaklumkan kepada mereka. Kemudian bayaran harga produk selepas ditolak harga pengedar akan dimasukkan ke akaun peniaga asal. Penghantaran akan dilakukan oleh mereka.

Bagi memperolehi idea dan maklumat peniaga-peniaga yang menjual melalui internet, kunjungi ekspo perniagaan dan kenalpasti peniaga-peniaga yang sudah mula menjual melalui online atau layari direktori perniagaan yang mudah dicari di internet.

* Produk dan perkhidmatan daripada peniaga sekeliling yang tidak mempunyai blog shop

Dalam satu sesi yang saya kendalikan dalam pengenalan asas perniagaan di internet, satu soalan yang popular diajukan di mana sahaja adalah, “Mahu jual apa?”

Soalan ini diajukan oleh peserta yang tidak mempunyai produk dan perkhidmatan sendiri.

Bagi menjawab soalan ini saya berkata, ”Mari kita pulang ke kediaman atau pejabat masing-masing,” jawapan ini akan dibalas, ”Apa yang ada di rumah dan pejabat kami?”

Soalnya bukan apa yang ada di rumah tetapi apa yang ada di sekeliling rumah dan pejabat.

Terdapat puluhan kedai yang tidak mempunyai blog shop apatah lagi laman web perniagaan sendiri. Bagaimana jika kita bekerjasama dengan pekedai ini menjual produk ini di internet.

Boleh jadi rakan sekerja kita yang menjual kecil-kecilan produk di pejabat dapat kita bantu dengan memasarkan melalui internet secara kaedah blog shop.

Dapatkan harga pengedar, jual pada harga pasaran yang disertakan bersama kos penghantaran. Cipta sistem pesanan kita sendiri bagi memudahkan kita mengenalpasti produk pesanan pelanggan sebelum mengambilnya di kedai berkenaan.

* Jual produk dan perkhidmatan yang menawarkan kaedah affiliate.

Tidak ada produk, perkhidmatan dan tidak ada idea apakah perniagaan yang menjana pendapatan kepada saudara. Cubalah sertai program affĂ­liate.

Tanpa produk dan perkhidmatan masih boleh jana wang. Dalam majalah IM, sebuah majalah keusahawan Internet tempatan, penulis bernama Galadrial memberi penerangan ini,

Menurut beliau, “Affiliate adalah individu yang dibayar komisyen atau bayaran tetap kerana membawa pengunjung membeli produk atau pun servis di laman web penjual. Biasanya ahli affiliate akan diberi link atau kod khas bagi memudahkan pengendali web jualan asal mengenalpasti siapa yang berjaya mempromosikan jualan tersebut dan membayar ahli affiliate tersebut mengikut jumlah jualan.

Manakala program affiliate adalah, "Sejenis bentuk pemasaran bagi produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan melalui laman web. Penjual akan membayar komisyen kepada ahli affiliate yang berjaya membuat jualan.

Kita boleh mendaftar dalam program affiliate dan akan diberikan bahan promosi melibatkan artikel dan fail imej yang boleh dipaparkan pada blog dan laman web. Bagi menaikkan perhatian ramai, penghasilan video jualan merupakan satu kaedah mempromosi yang membantu peserta program affiliate.

Di manakah kedudukan pautan bagi mendaftar program affiliate?
Kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh peniaga di internet ialah mereka meletakkan pada bahagian atas minisite jualan atau pun di bahagian bawah minisite. Adakalanya ia ditulis sebagai program affiliate, affiliate atau ejen jualan. Bergantung kepada pilihan peniaga tersebut.

Dari segi komisen affiliate, kita boleh mendapat bayaran komisen serendah lima ringgit sehingga melebihi seratus ringgit bagi satu jualan yang berjaya dilakukan. Ia bergantung kepada jenis produk dan perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan.

Kini terdapat banyak peniaga tempatan menawarkan program affiliate dan tidak sukar untuk dicari berbanding pada awal tahun 2006. Lakukan pencarian maklumat tambahan mengenai peniaga yang menawarkan program affiliate bagi memastikan peniaga itu mempunyai reputasi yang baik dari segi pembayaran.

Menjadi affiliate melalui laman web

Sebagai contoh, saya merupakan ahli affiliate yang menjual produk e-book Mentor Jutawan Bersama Irfan Khairi.

E-book ini adalah hasil tulisan Irfan Khairi. Mentor Jutawan Bersama Irfan Khairi adalah produk e-buku yang melibatkan transkrip temubual beliau bersama lapan ikon jutawan. Irfan Khairi mendedahkan pelbagai resipi kejayaan dan kisah lanjut kelapan-lapan ikon sukses ini. E-book dan sistem affiliate boleh diperolehi melalui laman web mini

Screenshot laman web mini jualan e-buku Mentor Jutawan

Lapan ikon terlibat berkongsi pengalaman dalam e-book ini adalah

1. Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah
2. Azizi Ali
3. Datuk Dr Rusly atau lebih dikenali sebagai Chef Li
4. Datuk Husamuddin Yaacob pengasas kumpulan Karangkraf
5. Dato’ Dr Azman Ching
6. AbuAyubul Ansari Bin Ibramsha dari Singapura
7. Billi P.S Lim dan Irfan Khairi sendiri

Pembeli akan mengklik ID atau alamat affiliate kita yang dipaparkan pada blog shop. Kemudian sistem akan merekodkan klik yang mempunyai jualan.

Bagi setiap jualan e-book ini, ahli affiliate diberikan komisen yang dimasukkan ke dalam bank apabila mencapai tahap minimum jualan. Blog shop dapat membantu kita mempromosi produk dan perkhidmatan orang lain yang menawarkan sistem affiliate.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Let them be

Let others lead small lives, but not you.

Let others argue over small things, but not you.

Let others cry over small hurts but not you.

Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

In Times of Trouble

First of all ...

All that happens in this world is an illusion! So don't worry about your problems.

Remember that there is only one thing we are supposed to do in life --- Worship God.

Everything else, is an illusion.

Therefore in EVERYTHING that we do, we Worship God.

That is all.



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Testis.. eh..testing

Failure is often necessary for real learning to occur